Monday, March 3, 2014

Remember the Day's Blessings and Forget the Day's Troubles

I sat in my office room, in front of my big 21 inch screen, legs criss-crossed on chair, very relaxed, staring at a clock ticking very fast and loud and I am thinking about the whole day. In spite of a very stressful day at work, I was feeling happy. 
Reached home quite late, but I was so delighted to rejoice with kids and dear hubby. I played Monopoly with kids with add on treat of hugs and kisses. That is how I forgot about trouble the day brought with it at work. Immediately a quote, that I read somewhere, flashed in my brain

A good memory is one that can remember the day's blessings and forget the day's troubles.

How true I thought!

I was hardly done typing till this point for today’s prompt. Then I hear crying noise from my daughter’s room. Breaking my train of thoughts, I ran to her. In back of my mind, I am thinking I might not be able to finish today’s post because once she wakes up crying it takes hours to calm her down. Her neck was paining. After that I spent almost one hour making her relax.

I started off with some gentle neck relaxation exercises, some cuddles and kisses. Nothing worked. I explained her many things just to stop her crying, to sooth her to no avail.

When kids are younger and if they are crying too much, some distraction helps them to stop crying. But as they grow, it becomes one daunting task for parents.

At last, I took her to bed, tapped her head for about 35 minutes, telling her stories. I started with funny story to get her laughing so that she let go of her cry. Phew! That worked. Half marathon done!

Then I narrated her very soulful story of a mom and her son. I narrated her many small conversations that they used to have. I also mentioned some of the special things what mommy taught him. The best of all, I mentioned as his mom said, “No matter what, listen to your heart and be happy.” And then I told her how the son taught that one thing to his wife as well. Her eyes instantly popped opened and pointing at me she said, “I know who it is. Is it about how dad taught you to be always happy by listening to your heart?”

By this time she was very calm. Then I told her I want you to be happy, always. I mentioned to her if you think about happy thoughts while sleeping, you will get the best sleep of the world. By now, her eyes closed, smile touching her lips and face had blissful glow. She went to deep sleep in few minutes.

Her happy face and smiling lips are my day’s blessings.
What are your day’s blessings?

Wrote this as a part of Festival of Words: Free Write

I'm taking part in the Write Tribe Festival of Words -3


  1. Children add so much sunshine in our lives!! Kids are a blessing, truly :)

  2. My daughter, any time ! She's my greatest blessing ever !! Soulfully written, Hemlata :)

  3. I agree with one nice memory one can forget it all!

