Wednesday, December 25, 2013

All I Want for Christmas is You

My nine years old, recently watched ‘The Polar Express ’ movie. This prompted her to write a letter to Santa. Hopeful that she would get to ride the polar express, she wrote a letter to him. Mr. Claus did replyJ. 'Dear Bhumi, the polar express is for kids who do not believe in Christmas. You have very high Christmas spirit. I want you to spread the spirit around'. 

I was thinking this would disappoint her. It surprised me when she said “It makes sense mommy; those kids who don’t believe in Christmas should ride the train so they can see the real Santa. I believe in Christmas so I am fine. I will try again next year, can I mommy?”

Understandingly, she wrote another letter to Santa. In this letter, she gave Santa the list of items he can choose to bring to her this Christmas. What surprised me was the last line in that letter. In her last line she wrote, 'p.s.: Please bring something for my parents as well'. She was concerned mommy and daddy will not get any gifts from Santa ;-). 

I am blessed to have her. She is very generous and caring. I distinctly remember on her 6th birthday, she saved half of her birthday gifts. She didn’t even open them. “Mommy, is it OK if I give my gifts to poor kids for Christmas (she is a December baby)?” “Off course darling”, I replied with tears in my eyes. Love her to pieces.

Wish you all Merry Christmas! My all-time favorite Christmas song...enjoy….


  1. Such a genuine thought at such a tender age is very all happens because of such a positive upbringing... God bless you all ...

  2. It's so important to have kids to feel it's ok to give when you have so much and also to understand the meaning to be grateful that they live a self sufficient life. Nowadays in this material world kids don't understand. It's so awesome to hear that she didn't open her gifts but, set them aside that even hard for us adults let alone a kid. Give her a hug from my side.

  3. I agree with you, in today’s material world, it’s hard for kids to understand to be grateful for what they have and share with others what they can. As a mother, we have to keep doing our part of teaching and reminding them about being thankful.
